quarta-feira, 4 de março de 2009

armor of bronze.

the night falls like an anchor in my back.
holding my soul revolutionary.
is easy to close our eyes and pretend that nobody is
and that all the pain the world can be
hidden inside a large armor of bronze.
swallow my tears to form rivers and rivers of despair.

everything goes away. all go away.
And I run away from myself, as time passes and
people in the street, blind as ever,
live the greatest farces true they
can create for them they protect them.

is easy to close our eyes and pretend that no one there.
you do not feel pain, while taking care of my helplessness
walk full of holes, empty and dark.

Everything goes away. All go.
as run away from myself.

"This is our decision to live fast and die young"

segunda-feira, 2 de março de 2009

the weight or the world at sleep time

We don't belong to us
sometimes we need to feel some pain
to prove to ourself that we realy exist
or fated to pretend
or die even being alive
or smoke the last cigarrete and back home so sad
or smile alone in the street

or just feel the weight or the world
while we try to sleep.

"We'll choke on our vomit and that will be the end"